Behavior Change (Part II)

I wanted to continue with our series on behavior change you can implement to start putting your goals into actions. Last time we talked about how planning meals ahead of time leads to success with weight loss goals. For today, I wanted to discuss the all-too-often-used excuse for not making your goals happen… whatever it may be, that thing…

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Behavior Change (pt. 1) Meal Planning

Behavior change is one of those buzzword phrases in fitness, and one thing that is undeniably tied with it is meal planning.   For today’s post, I wanted to start a discussion on a few behavior change habits you can implement into your health and fitness regime like, right now. Today we’ll cover meal planning. Let’s get…

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Just Do It!

Let’s face it… for most people, getting back in shape is not easy, no matter who tells you it is. You can count on: -things getting tough, – muscle soreness – general discomfort as your body adapts to the new stresses you are placing on it. While pain is a subjective term for another blog…

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Believe, Passion, Success.

Three powerful words indeed.   For most people, the only thing that stands between a person and their goals is the will to try it and the faith to believe it can happen. Belief will fuel enthusiasm and enthusiasm ignites passion. Perseverance means showing up again and again, even if the distance between where you are…

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Weight Mangement Part III: Start Easy, Build on Success

Anyway, today we’re gonna continue our post series on Weight Management, and in case you missed out, here’s part 1 and part 2. So here’s a question. How many of you have a friend** that, in a conscious effort to lose weight, decides to: – Cut dietary carbohydrate consumption in half – Immediately cut total caloric consumption to…

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Weight Management, Part II – Setting Emotional Goals

We’ll continue our series on weight management today (last time we talked about recognizing health behaviors that lead to less than stellar outcomes). Just think for a second about the last time you accomplished a significant goal that really meant something to you. What were your driving factors? Chances are, you had a lot more motivation…

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Still Not Losing Weight? Consider this… (part 3)

Hey all, today we’ll wrap up our “Still Not Losing Weight” series.  Here are parts 1 and 2 (provide link) to get caught up. 8 ) Don’t Just Set a Goal, Set an Emotional Attachment To Your Goal! These next 3 are probably the most important of all. I can’t tell you how many times…

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