I’ve been a practicing certified personal trainer since 2007, and a Movement Specialist through the Gray Institute Fellowship of Applied Functional Science (FAFS) since 2016. I’ve also been certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach, as well as a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Corrective Exercise Specialist. Prior to attaining these prestigious certifications, I have a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science from the University of Maine in 2008, as well as a Masters Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Texas in 2010.
While attending UT, I accepted a teaching assistant scholarship as a Weight Training Instructor for undergraduate students from September 2008-May 2010. In addition, I also interned for 2 years under the University of Texas Men’s Basketball Head Strength Coach, internationally recognized Perform Better Conference Summit speaker, and current Head Strength Coach for the Los Angeles Clippers, Todd Wright. Working with elite athletes allowed me to adopt more effective training practices, especially in the realms of corrective exercise, fat loss, and strength training. During my internship, I was educated in and practiced 3d Chain Reaction Biomechanics, developed by Dr. Gary Gray and Dr. Dave Tiberio, who are the leaders of the Gray Institute. Its core principles are rooted in Applied Functional Science (AFS), which focuses on the convergence of physical, biological, and behavioral sciences that provide a process for functional assessment, training and conditioning, rehabilitation, and injury prevention that is practical for any and all individuals regardless of age or ability.
I have an excellent ability to motivate, communicate, and relate on a personal level with clients/athletes, as well as the ability to excel at comprehending and applying new knowledge in the allied health profession. Individuals seeking improved health and fitness through personal training are too often disappointed by the overly-simplistic program design and the limited education and experience level of personal trainers in the industry today. One of my fundamental beliefs is that every training session must be approached with the focus revolving around education to the client on how to exercise congruently with individual goals, be it fat loss, correcting posture and movement, or strength training, as well as to debunk myths portrayed by the mass media about fitness and health.
With my passion for seeing my clients succeed, I am able to use my knowledge, experience, and energy to create highly effective training and nutrition programs for clients of any age and background.
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Don’t get all Butt-Hurt cuz your Back Hurts; Clean up your Hips!
The source for back pain can commonly be found at the hips; more specifically, lack of complete hip extension. One of the byproducts of tight, weak hips is an anteriorly tilted pelvis, aka lumbar lordosis. Now, the pelvis may orient itself that way in static postures, but I’m typically more concerned if the person has the…
Read MoreYou’re Not Losing Weight, and This Is Why (part 1)
I get it. You’re watching your caloric intake, you go out for a run, hit the weights, go for a swim, bike, etc….during the week. Then the weekend rolls around, you hit the bars with your friends, maybe go out to eat 3 or 4 times, Then Sunday night rolls around, and you’re feeling guilty…
Read MoreGet your Mobility Game Up With…. The “Squat Matrix”!
One of the very first things that I learned during my introduction to Applied Functional Science was a concept called the “SFT syntax” and the Squat Matrix. SFT Syntax is the language used to describe the position of your limb(s) that are in contact with the ground….hands and knees, knees, feet…. in our case, the feet)…
Read More3D Movement
Today’s topic is 3D Movement, and how I’ve evolved my training philosophy over the years to incorporate it. When I first began as a novice trainer, still trying to figure out my ass from my acetabulum, I programmed workouts like most people and many bodybuilders still do, basing it on body part splits (everyone knows this… biceps and back,…
Read MoreSteady State Cardio vs. Interval Training Cardio – Key Takeaways (Part III)
We’ll keep today brief with a summary wrap up of points made in part I and part II Here are the most important things to consider when choosing between steady state cardio vs. interval training cardio, as it relates to your health and fitness goals: 1) Interval training is more time efficient. You get the…
Read MoreBehavior Change (Part IV) – Creating a Starting Point
We’ll get straight to the business for today, which is continuing where we left off last time with regards to establishing the “healthy mindset”. You can get caught up on that HERE. So we outlined 3 components that make up the proper establishment of a healthy mindset, and, without a doubt, creating a firm, solid…
Read MoreBehavior Changes (Part III)
Moving along, today we’ll cover #3 on the list of goal-oriented behaviors you can employ in your pursuits of achieving health/fitness greatness. If you missed the first 2, take a peek at the links below: PART I PART II 3) MAKE THE LIST, SIGN THE CONTRACT A MAKE THE LIST, SIGN THE CONTRACT Ahhh yes,…
Read MoreBehavior Change (Part II)
I wanted to continue with our series on behavior change you can implement to start putting your goals into actions. Last time we talked about how planning meals ahead of time leads to success with weight loss goals. For today, I wanted to discuss the all-too-often-used excuse for not making your goals happen… whatever it may be, that thing…
Read MoreBehavior Change (pt. 1) Meal Planning
Behavior change is one of those buzzword phrases in fitness, and one thing that is undeniably tied with it is meal planning. For today’s post, I wanted to start a discussion on a few behavior change habits you can implement into your health and fitness regime like, right now. Today we’ll cover meal planning. Let’s get…
Read MoreFix for Tight Hips (Part III)
I wanted to continue with the series on providing the “Fix for Tight Hips”. In case you missed out, here are PART I, and, PART II of the series. Part II of our series is simply taking our half-kneeling position to a standing position: the Split Stance Standing Front Butt with Bilateral Hand Reach Matrix: What Does it Do?…
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