Just Do It!
Let’s face it… for most people, getting back in shape is not easy, no matter who tells you it is. You can count on: -things getting tough, – muscle soreness – general discomfort as your body adapts to the new stresses you are placing on it. While pain is a subjective term for another blog…
Read MoreBelieve, Passion, Success.
Three powerful words indeed. For most people, the only thing that stands between a person and their goals is the will to try it and the faith to believe it can happen. Belief will fuel enthusiasm and enthusiasm ignites passion. Perseverance means showing up again and again, even if the distance between where you are…
Read MoreMikey G’s Top 10 Gym Etiquette Pet Peeves
Mikey G’s Top 10 Gym Etiquette Pet Peeves: 10) People who Stare – We all know the sketchball that stares uncomfortably long at individuals while their getting sweaty. Chances are, he’s over 50, wears a sweatband he’s had since he graduated high school back in ’81, he hangs out on whatever machine in the gym…
Read MoreThe Life of a Personal Trainer
Ahh… the occupation of a Personal Trainer. First of all, I’d be remiss to say that the occupation of a personal trainer is one of the more highly sought after positions among individuals attempting a career change. Incidentally, it also has one of the highest turnover rates of any occupations: almost 80% of all personal trainer…
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