Stiff Spine? Try these on for size! (Part II)

Welcome back for Part II of our series on some steps you can take to loosen up your stiff spine. So, last time we covered Type I motion for your stiff spine, and if you missed out on it, you can check it out here.  So you saw Type I motion yesterday. This is characterized by rotation…

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Stiff Spine? Try these on for size!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and a good day today. I wanted to start a new series on ways you can loosen up your stiff spine, which will get your body primed for a solid workout. These are some of the movement progressions I learned during my time working through…

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Got Tight Calf/Ankles/Feet? Here’s your Troubleshoot! (part V)

We’re back to business with our series on the calf/ankles/feet. HERE we talked about some SMR techniques to ease pain and tension in compressed areas: Part IV Today we’ll talk a little about mobility and stability. If you ask me, these are the key players to consider when rehabilitating any injury, or even addressing training…

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Got Tight Calf/Ankles/Feet? Here’s your Troubleshoot! (part IV)

Aaaaaand were back again to continue our discussion on troubleshooting the foot/ankle/calf. But, before I begin, I was looking through some old posts that I had put up on the AG website, and I wanted to share a couple oldies but goodies that are similar to the topic on hand, only the focus was more…

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Just Do It!

Let’s face it… for most people, getting back in shape is not easy, no matter who tells you it is. You can count on: -things getting tough, – muscle soreness – general discomfort as your body adapts to the new stresses you are placing on it. While pain is a subjective term for another blog…

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Believe, Passion, Success.

Three powerful words indeed.   For most people, the only thing that stands between a person and their goals is the will to try it and the faith to believe it can happen. Belief will fuel enthusiasm and enthusiasm ignites passion. Perseverance means showing up again and again, even if the distance between where you are…

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