Injury Prevention
Stiff Spine? Try these on for size!
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and a good day today. I wanted to start a new series on ways you can loosen up your stiff spine, which will get your body primed for a solid workout. These are some of the movement progressions I learned during my time working through…
Read More4.5.2012 – Calf/Ankles/Feet? Here’s your Troubleshoot! (part VII…the Wrap Up!)
Hey all, final post coming your way today wrapping up our series on the Calf/ankle/foot. Lets get right to it. Here are the previous 6 postings in our series for you to catch up with: Part I – Introduction Part II – Anatomy, origins/insertions Part III – Anatomy, muscle actions Part IV – Sot Tissue…
Read More3.21 – Got Tight Calf/Ankles/Feet? Here’s your Troubleshoot! (part VI)
Hey all, my apologies for the hiatus, I’ve been swamped with clients, finishing off 2011 tax return stuff, car shopping, and in general trying not to tear hair out of my head! The result? – Client success rates still remain high – Tax return has been filed – Batta-bing, batta-boom: Yours truly is the owner…
Read MoreGot Tight Calf/Ankles/Feet? Here’s your Troubleshoot! (part V)
We’re back to business with our series on the calf/ankles/feet. HERE we talked about some SMR techniques to ease pain and tension in compressed areas: Part IV Today we’ll talk a little about mobility and stability. If you ask me, these are the key players to consider when rehabilitating any injury, or even addressing training…
Read MoreGot Tight Calf/Ankles/Feet? Here’s your Troubleshoot! (part IV)
Aaaaaand were back again to continue our discussion on troubleshooting the foot/ankle/calf. But, before I begin, I was looking through some old posts that I had put up on the AG website, and I wanted to share a couple oldies but goodies that are similar to the topic on hand, only the focus was more…
Read MoreDo Your Feet Look Like This? (Part II)
I’ll come straight with the business today folks. Last time, we talked about ways we can help loosen up muscular adhesions and “shut down” tissues through some soft tissue therapy modalities, as well as ways you can static and dynamically stretch out the inhibiting tissues. We set up the platform for corrective movement to occur…
Read MoreHow are your Feet?
HOW ARE YOUR FEET? I’ll be honest, I have terrible feet. Call it genetics, call it poor biomechanical adaptation during my youth, but I have some jacked up feet. To break it down, I have what they call a pez cavus foot (higher than normal arch), combined with a forefoot equinas, which means my forefoot…
Read MoreShoulders hurt or injured? No problem.
Let’s face it: shoulders get injured, and it sucks. Fortunately, in most cases, there is so much you can do to improve how they feel and perform. I’ve had my fair share of problems keeping my shoulders healthy over the years. Chronic dislocations while playing football in high school and 4 years of rugby in…
Read More5 Reasons We Don’t Squat (Part 2)
Hey all, getting right to it today. In the last installment, I talked about reasons why people have an aversion to squatting; knee and back pain, laziness, or a hurt ego being the main culprits. In today’s blog post, I’m going to talk about a couple of the techniques I use to allow for a more…
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